Pilot gets outside with The David Suzuki Foundation

by Pilot PMR

3 min read


At Pilot, we’re excited about the David Suzuki Foundation’s 30×30 nature challenge, and not just because our creative team made these amazing infographics to promote it. We love the idea of the challenge, which asks people around the world to commit to spending at least 30 minutes outside each day for 30 days in May. Why? The benefits of a little nature time are huge: increased clarity of mind, decreased stress, new slug friends. What’s most compelling about the 30×30 stats is how little fresh air it takes to achieve fresh perspective. Which is key, when you’re trying to produce great work. So we’ve signed up our office, and we’re cooking up plans for walking meetings and maybe even a little outdoor yoga.

Because getting out into nature is a physical experience, we wanted to make our infographics tactile – ie, made of the green stuff that 30×30 participants will be surrounded by in May. We used leftovers from EcoStems, a Toronto florist that specializes in sustainable greenery. Thanks for letting us dig through your compost heap, guys! And thanks to our intern, who did it without gloves. Yes, digging through dirt is all in a day’s work here. 
