4 custom Google Analytics reports to improve your business

by James Beardmore

3 min read


Google Analytics is an incredibly powerful tool, but it’s only useful if you know what to measure. Here are four custom reports that can help you uncover real business value in your data.

Custom reports are easy to install. Just click the link we provide for each report to set it up in the analytics account of your choice.

“I need to know which content is engaging my visitors the most”

Sounds like you need a custom report for content quality. This report, originally created by Avinash Kaushik, Digital Marketing Evangelist at Google, does just that. It answers questions such as:

– What kind of content (images, text, video) performs best?
– Which pages are the most engaging?


Install Content Efficiency Analysis

“I need to know which referring sites are most valuable”

This custom report ranks all of your referring sites with the most useful engagement metrics so that you can easily spot the top performers.


Install Referring Site Quality

“I need to know which visitors have higher conversion rates”

This one needs a little bit of configuration, but it’s worth it. First you need to identify a useful goal to measure. It can be as simple as users visiting a certain page, or it can be a specific action like downloading a file, purchasing a product or filling out a form. Here’s some help from Google: Set up, edit and share goals.

Once you’ve set up your goal, you can grab this custom report template and install it. Then go to “customization” in the top menu of Google Analytics and choose to edit this custom report–it’s called High Goal Value Traffic. In the metrics options, choose the goal that you just created, and save it. Now this report will show you details about traffic that completes your goal so you can see which traffic is of the highest value.


Install High Goal Value Traffic

“I need to know what time of day my site is visited most”

Building a publishing schedule around the habits of your users is a great idea if you want to get the most out of your content. You’re more likely to get better engagement if new content is ready for your audience whenever they visit your website. This custom report sets out the hours of the day when your site is visited most, so that you can take that into account when scheduling your content.


Install Peak Traffic Times

Armed with these custom reporting screens, you should be able to quickly assess and understand which content, referring sites and visitors matter most to your bottom line.