Game, Shmame. It’s All About the Ads, Baby!

by Natalie Bomberry


Raise your hand if you were NOT touched in some way, however small, by a Super Bowl 2013 ad over the last few days. Anyone… Bueller… Bueller?

That’s what we thought. You could say this year’s Super Bowl advertising mantra was to “hit ‘em everywhere.” Here are three knockouts:

  1. Early birds: Budweiser ran hockey-related Super Bowl teasers during the Toronto Maple Leafs game the night before the big event. By the sound of things, the first shipment of Bud Red Lights is already sold out.
  2. Don’t forget the babies: My 2-year old stopped eating his pizza for the Psy Wonderful Pistachios’ ad and the Monster’s University ad. As a mom, I must say: touché advertisers, touché. At several points he did, however, ask if there would be a Zamboni. Perhaps next year you should replace playing football between the ads and just have an ad-plastered Zamboni drive around the field for 15 minutes.  Just throwing that out there.
  3. Single ladies: Did you know that Canadians produce more online searches for Super Bowl ads than anyone else on Earth? The next thing I’d like to know is how quickly we search for those ads. After last night’s Calvin Klein ad, I’d have to guess very, very quickly. Even my Twitter account was blushing.

You can see all the ads on YouTube’s AdBlitz channel. I’m with this guy in thinking you can get better yardage out of your ad budget by targeting more arenas than just TV. As a group, hat tip to all the 2013 Super Bowl advertisers for hitting us everywhere.