What’s in a name? The public [relations] face of Pilot PMR

by Lucy Leiderman

3 min read


The most earnest and enthusiastic applause I have ever heard didn’t happen in a theatre, but in an airplane. At 38,000 feet, you put all of your trust into someone you’ll probably never lay your eyes on – the pilot. This person takes the helm of a complex piece of machinery, enjoys an unparalleled view, and knows exactly where you came from, where you’re going, and the best way to get there.

People often ask where the name Pilot PMR came from. It was chosen to evoke the character and authority of the pilot – individuals who use skill, strategy and the latest tools to get you where you need to go.

The three final letters – PMR – denote the objectives of our work: Public and Market Reach. We offer this to our clients through a mastery of earned, as well as bought, media, which we’ve developed through deep roots in traditional public relations.

Pilot PMR is an integrated agency that does more than deliver and amplify a message. While maintaining a focus on story, we’ve adapted our tools and approach, and the agency has evolved to offer user experience, digital marketing, video production, and art direction.

In 2014, Pilot PMR turns 10 years old. Our offices have always been housed at Berkley Castle on the Esplanade, but Pilot has transformed over the last decade from a small, casual office to a bustling, two-storey agency. What was once an overly large boardroom table now hosts the standing-room only crowd of our Monday morning meetings.


Our offices are also scattered with relics and references to aviation, keeping us true to our roots and reinforcing our mandate. The lights that hang above our creative teams are fashioned from after-burners that once pumped fuel through American jets as they reached for the sound barrier. The biggest, brightest meeting room is referred to as The Hangar, where four leather rocket chairs facilitate our conversations. A giant, wooden propeller overlooks the boardroom like a visual manifesto, while a compass sits on the desk of our CEO, David Doze, as he navigates our agency’s direction.


Ultimately, the office is designed to remind each employee, client, and visitor of our perspective and expertise. Pilot set out to work differently than other agencies. We look around to remind ourselves of a pilot’s state of mind – a measured, strategic approach, a long view of our surroundings and a true mastery of the tools at our disposal.