Wendy Bairos joins Pilot PMR as Media Relations Director

by Pilot PMR


Former Google manager brings industry savvy to growing agency

Pilot is pleased to announce that Wendy Bairos, former Communications and Public Affairs Manager for Google Canada, has joined Pilot as Director of Media Relations.

Bairos is the latest addition to the Pilot team, with deep experience working at the highest ranks of Canadian media.

“Wendy is an immense talent,” said Pilot founder and CEO David Doze. “Her experience with Google has given her strong relationships with the media and important insights into business, marketing, and modern communications within today’s evolving landscape. She is a creative thinker and problem solver, and will be a tremendous asset to our clients.”

Bairos joined Google in 2003, and oversaw the tech brand’s expansion into Canada, as well as the launch of YouTube.ca. During her tenure, she worked across various Google products, including Search, Maps, Ads, Android and Enterprise.

She joins Pilot’s talented in-house team shortly after the addition of Creative Director Sarah Lazarovic, an award-winning illustrator, critically acclaimed author and innovative thinker.

“Pilot achieves major results for its clients because we understand how to communicate in a meaningful way across every platform,” said Doze. “Wendy will ensure that our clients can tell their stories effectively through the media, earning them attention among those audiences most important to their success.”