How I landed at Toronto Creative Agency Pilot PMR

by Siri Agrell


In journalism, they call it a through line: the thread or spine that holds a story together, leading the reader not just from beginning to end, but through a series of connected ideas that build on a theme or thesis.

In my experience, many companies, organizations and individuals struggle with their own through lines. Even those working towards the most concrete goals are sometimes unable to articulate them clearly, or illustrate how the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

For companies, the problem often arises from a disconnect between external and internal communications. How can you successfully connect with your target audience if your story isn’t clear, inspiring or motivating to your team?

This is why I came to Pilot, a Toronto creative agency of storytellers. The team that CEO David Doze has assembled boasts a range of individual skills – they are designers, directors, writers, media relations experts, and user experience savants. But the thread that ties them together is a desire to explain things in the best way possible – to connect information to its audience, and give their clients’ stories lift.

Pilot has already established a route to success that many agencies are still navigating. Our team understands that the tools we use to communicate in a connected world have changed. But we remain true to the fundamental principles of great storytelling: We take the time to really understand our clients and help distill their messaging to its core – to the things that really matter about a company, organization or individual. We help people communicate – both internally and externally – in a way that resonates and inspires.

Pilot’s own story matches up perfectly with the services they offer their clients. We are storytellers, and we communicate our own brand in a way that’s smart, simple, and effective.

The work done at Pilot represents a new wave of communications, a hybrid of classic public relations, marketing and advertising creative that employs modern tools to build comprehensive and adaptive communications strategies.

My own personal through line is the desire to do this work. I have worked in journalism and politics, written a book and a Speech from the Throne, directed efforts in media relations and strategic messaging. I am drawn to complex challenges, and motivated by a desire to learn about the world, distill that information and articulate it clearly to the world.

That is the story that connects me to what I do, and it builds on a series of themes and ideas that have now led me here, to Pilot PMR.