Pilot welcomes our new Creative Director

by Pilot PMR

2 min read


Acclaimed illustrator, author and new media talent Sarah Lazarovic is joining Pilot PMR as Creative Director.


Lazarovic is the latest addition to the Pilot team to arrive from the highest ranks of Canadian media, with a deep understanding of modern communications.

At Pilot, Lazarovic will redefine the role of Creative Director, providing a range of public and private sector clients with unique ways of telling their stories and capturing public attention.

“In today’s competitive communications landscape, Pilot stands out by offering smart, creative solutions that have a real impact across all platforms and mediums,” said Pilot founder and CEO David Doze. “We understand how to communicate concepts in a way that people instantly understand and respond to, and Sarah’s creativity, unique insights and multimedia talents will be a tremendous asset to everyone we work with.”

So just how creative is she?

Lazarovic’s graphic memoir, A Bunch of Pretty Things I Did Not Buy, was named one of the Globe and Mail’s top books of 2014.

She is the founder of Torontoist.com and was a digital artist-in-residence at the Banff New Media Institute.

She recently concluded a year-long fellowship at Massey College, where she studied behavioural insights and consumer behaviour at the Rotman School of Management, and Environmental Policy and Sustainability at the School of the Environment.

She has designed electronic bouquets for David Suzuki.

She made a movie as well as a short film for the NFB Confessions in a Digital Age series.

She holds a BFA as well as an MA in Media Studies from the New School in New York, and has won countless awards and accolades, including being named among Vanity Fair’s Best Infographics (2013) and receiving an Ontario Newspaper Award for her digital commentary for Maclean’s.

So yeah, we’re pretty excited.

You can check out more of Sarah’s work at SarahL.com