Blogs usher in new era of corporate storytelling

by Muhubo Ahmed


What’s your story? What makes your brand journey unique? Rising corporate interest in the blogosphere is turning more and more companies on to these very questions. At Pilot PMR, where corporate storytelling is bred in the bone, we say it’s about time.

Companies are finding brand new success creating online platforms where they can tell their story and engage with audiences old and new. Like all social media platforms, blogs require that brands keep some key aspects in mind. For corporate blogs to work effectively, companies must incorporate brand awareness, regularly update their blog with useful and interesting content tailored to their audience, and encourage large-scale participation. Humans, after all, are wired for stories. We shape them, and they shape us.

And don’t some brands know it. Shelve that corporate press release and check out PR Daily’s top 40 Corporate Blogs to Inspire You.