The Product is the Message

Ads are everywhere. Even in today’s social media age, with all the platforms available out there, marketers continue to bombard consumers with advertising. They are a part of life – from ads plastered on the back of buses to interruptive banner ads on YouTube.

Advertisements are not going away anytime soon, but make no mistake, ad power has shifted. As our time and attention turns to social content, we suddenly find that our online friends, followers and conversations are changing how we learn about products. Highly trusted endorsements, not pre-programmed ads, are shaping our purchasing decisions more and more.

As Brandon Evans, CEO and founder of Crowdtap, writes in Fast Company, our friends are constantly tuned into what we’re listening to, what fashion items we just bought or want to buy, and even what we are cooking for dinner. For companies, our tastes, our tweets and our “likes” have become some of the best endorsements around.

Check out how social content is changing how we choose where to put our money: 5 Rules for Marketing in the Age of Discovery.